


Það var um nýliðin áramót sem Andri Már Ingólfssonar, fyrrum eigandi Primera Travel samsteypunnar, auglýsti eftir starfsfólki á nýja ferðaskrifstofu sem hlotið hefur nafnið Aventura Holidays. Í atvinnuauglýsingu sagði að ferðaskrifstofan tæki til starfa í janúar og nú er heimasíða Aventura komin í loftið. Þar segir reyndar að sala á ferðum hefjist fyrst í febrúar …

Many choose to explore Iceland by renting a car at the Keflavik International Airport and then spend several days or even weeks on the road. However rental cars in are quite expensive in Iceland compared to many other European countries but thankfully the prices are coming down. This winter you can expect to pay around …

discover the world seljalandsfoss

The world’s leading operator to Iceland. Imagine driving through a land where volcanoes loom above vast icecaps. Or hiking through moss-clad lava fields to a waterfall crashing over 100m-tall cliffs. Imagine a coastline where black-sand beaches stretch as far as the eye can see, or where colourful fishing villages lie scattered like confetti through majestic …